B i c y c l e : C l u b : F o r : C o o l : K u z t o m z !

Sit back, slow down, and take a cruise. That's what SLPS are all about. We're just about the coolest bicycle club there is :-) And We're as individual as you are. From retro stylings to edgy theme bikes, SLPS reflect a look and a style that says; I'm here for the fun of it.
Its a way of life...

Scrapers™ = Everything that rides too damn low...

Don't see the cool website?
Click here to get back in the frames!


A word from the Dyno Roadster designer!

Noen ganger får du servert ting uten at du har bedt om det! Gerd hos Spokes i Nederland fikk dette brevet fra Jeff Soucek, tidligere designer hos GT. Jeff er den som tegnet Dyno Roadster...

"Sometimes you get a cookie without asking for it!
Gerd at Spokes in Holland were pleased to get the full story from Jeff Soucek, former GT designer. He's the guy who designed the Dyno Roadster..."

I was just forwarded your website about the Dyno Roadster. It is great to see an appreciation for this bike after all of these years. Let me introduce myself, my name is Jeff Soucek and I actually designed that frame while working for GT bicycles between the years 1992 and 1998. I thought I could share a little incite to the project and how it became.

The idea of this Roadster frame actually was conceived after Sean Flickinger (one of the other GT Industrial Designers) designed the standard Dyno cruiser frame. I was responsible for the geometry of that bike, and at the time we wanted a standard cruiser that would simply blow away the old Schwinn cruises that were so popular at that time. We kept kicking the geometry back and slacking out the frame until it had –what we called at the time “6 pack geometry” This meant you could be half lit and still ride it to the liquor store and them back with one hand on the bar and a six pack of beer in the other.

Read the letter in the forum!

Jay's got a new ride!!

JR har endelig fått Dyno'n i hus! Den var helt sinnsykt hel og fin. Har ikke blitt syklet mye på siden den ble pakket opp i 1996. Setet så ikke ut som det var sittet på i det hele tatt. Og selv innsiden av skjermene var helt strøkne. Ikke en steinsprut...

JR's finally got his beautifull Dyno in the house. The ride was in an incredible good shape. It was taken out of the box in 1996 and never been used. The seat looked like it was never been touched. And the innside of the fenders was without any scratches or chips at all...

Følg med her på bloggen og i forumet for flere historier om Jay sin enorme '96 Dyno Coaster!
Stay tuned for more info on JR's awesome '96 Dyno Coaster hear on the blog or in the forum!


Dyno Dragster buildoff!

Spokes har lagt ut en meget bra webside om Dyno Roadster og om byggingen av Dyno Dragster!

Spokes has a great story on the website on the Dyno Roadster and the Dyno Dragster buid!

Check it out!!



SLPS becomes CBB Chapter!

SLPS har blitt medlem av Custom Bikes Breda i Nederland.
SLPS is now a proud member of the CBB bicycleclub of Breda, Netherland.


Et par nye custom triks / a couple of new trix...

Jeg laget et spraymaske å sprayet dette med sort spray boks på headerbandasjen på neder røret.
I made a spray-mask and spraypainted this on the headre wrap I have on the bottom frametube.

Og jeg satte dette dødningehodet på girspaken. Det er egentlig en dørlåspynt fra custombil verden...
And I put this dead-head on my shifter. It's actually a doorlock thing from custom cars...


Sykkel tur i januar! / Bicycle trip in chilly january!

Jeg tok mitt andre GT/Dyno produkt og syklet en tur i det rare været vi har nå.
Det er mange pluss grader og ikke noe snø i januar.
Det var en vannvittig storm i helgen så jeg syklet en tur ut på svaberget for å se på bølgene.

I grabbed my other GT/Dyno product and went for a ride in the strange january weather.
No sno and warm weather is kinda' strange this time of year hear in Norway.
It was a big storm here last weekend so I wanted so watch the waves hit the shore...


T-skjorte: sånn blir den / T-shirt: here's how it's gonna' be

T-skjortene går i trykken nå!
We're printing the T-shirts now!

Her er et bilde av hvorden de blir...
Here's a picture of the final result...

Jern korset på ryggen og ovalen med webadressen foran.
The Iron Cross on the back and the oval with the webadr. on the front.

Les mer om priser i forumet!
Read more about the prices and stuff in the forum!

Enda en Dyno Roadster i SLPS! / Yet another DR in the club!

JR har nettopp kjøpt seg en sinnsykt strøken '96 mod. Dyno Roadster! Den er ikke brukt og er helt strøken! Følg med i både blogg og forum for flere bilder...
JR just got a great '96 Dyno Roadster! It has never been used. It's MINT condition! Watch both the blogg and forum for more pics...


Mere info. om T-skjorter! / More info. about the T-shirts!

Les mer i Forumet! Read more in the Forum!



T skjorte / T-shirt

Klubb t-skjorte på gang! Les mer i Forumet!
We're planning a club T'! Read more 'bout it in the Forum!



Happy new year to all kruzer out there!