B i c y c l e : C l u b : F o r : C o o l : K u z t o m z !

Sit back, slow down, and take a cruise. That's what SLPS are all about. We're just about the coolest bicycle club there is :-) And We're as individual as you are. From retro stylings to edgy theme bikes, SLPS reflect a look and a style that says; I'm here for the fun of it.
Its a way of life...

Scrapers™ = Everything that rides too damn low...

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Click here to get back in the frames!


T-skjorte: sånn blir den / T-shirt: here's how it's gonna' be

T-skjortene går i trykken nå!
We're printing the T-shirts now!

Her er et bilde av hvorden de blir...
Here's a picture of the final result...

Jern korset på ryggen og ovalen med webadressen foran.
The Iron Cross on the back and the oval with the webadr. on the front.

Les mer om priser i forumet!
Read more about the prices and stuff in the forum!


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