B i c y c l e : C l u b : F o r : C o o l : K u z t o m z !

Sit back, slow down, and take a cruise. That's what SLPS are all about. We're just about the coolest bicycle club there is :-) And We're as individual as you are. From retro stylings to edgy theme bikes, SLPS reflect a look and a style that says; I'm here for the fun of it.
Its a way of life...

Scrapers™ = Everything that rides too damn low...

Don't see the cool website?
Click here to get back in the frames!


SLPS invades Holland!

We're going to invade the flatlands in the beginning of may 07. Aladdin, Antheus, cruz-®, JR and Tee will cruise the streets of Breda and "spread the magic word" the 4th - 7th this year. We're really looking forward to finally meet up with some of the bicycle enthusiasts/friends down there!

We're gonna' chop of their heads, rape their girls and admire their rides!


cruz-® got LED!!!

I got a package from my friend "space piraat" in Holland.
check it out it's a pretty cool gadget!!
Christmas came early this year...

The piraat really came trough this time!

I'm testing it on JR's LeadSlead! The red light came out perfect!

Here it is mounted on the Lakes Modified! COOL!!

Check Custom Bicycle Lightings website!



Early start in Holland!


T's new ride comming together...

Februar møte/meeting!

Vi hadde et lite møte hos T i forbindelse med at vi har leid oss en bobil. Vi skal til Nederland i begynnelsen av mai...

We had a small gettogether at T's place. We've rented a RV. We're going to the Nethelands to cruise in the beginnng of may...


The T's are in the house!!

Vi har fått T-skjortene nå, de ble meget bra! Sender dere en e-post med PayPal info.

We' got the T-shirts, they're bitchin'! We'll send you an e-mail with PayPal info.